ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat
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ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat és una revista de recerca d’àmbit internacional, on tenen cabuda els estudis i reflexions sobre cóm interaccionen la producció arquitectònica i la societat per la qual es du a terme. Fundada en 2021, és una iniciativa de l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de la Universitat Politècnica de València, de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura i de la Càtedra Living Architecture, de la qual Living Ceramics és l’empresa finançadora.
ANUARI d’Arquitectura i Societat versa sobre la influència dels valors, interessos i mitjans d’una determinada societat i el seu temps en l’arquitectura que atén les seues necessitats, així com sobre la influència que aquesta arquitectura pot tenir, al seu torn, en aquests trets definitoris d’una societat en un moment històric donat.
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- PublicationAnàlisi de la memòria i la cultura a partir de la façana arquitectònica: el Facadism en el barri de Beyoğlu(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Karabetca, Aliye Rahsan; Sav, Sedef[EN] İstanbul owns a historical texture rich in architecture, culture, and memory, which are seen in very few metropolises. This city, which has undergone many changes due to social, political, and cultural reasons, has begun to lose its many important values day by day. The biggest reason for this is that the city is culturally vibrant, so that it is desired to be transformed into a source of political income. However, solutions that will strengthen the current situation of İstanbul as a whole and ensure its continuation on solid foundations should be determined and implemented. In this study, Beyoğlu district is considered as the pilot area, one of the rare regions that this wealth has survived to the present day. The first aim of this study is to determine the reasons and purposes for the unnecessary reconstructions of historical buildings located in Beyoğlu, far from their original look, so-called facadism. The second aim of this study is to identify the changes made on the facades in terms of culture and memory and propose suggestions by using photographing, literature review, and analysis with collage methods. In the study, three of the selected four buildings are located on İstiklal street, the other one on Sıraselviler street, two places where the rapid structural/architectural identity transformation in the last 15-20 years can be seen most clearly. As a result of this study, it has been determined that the functions of historical buildings are being degenerated. Their facades are only kept as masks, and the architectural memory is devolved in this way.
- PublicationUn arquitecte espanyol a Àsia. La influència de la vida a Manila (Filipines) en l'obra d'Abelardo Lafuente(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Leonardo Pérez, Alvaro[EN] This paper analyzes how moving to a different continent and cutting themselves from the predominant atmosphere in Spain during the 19th century influenced in the lives and professional careers of the two Abelardo Lafuente hereby presented. It also focuses on how the way of life in the same country but in such a distant overseas province could also have an influence not only on personal and professional decisions, but also in the architecture designed there displaying the most acknowledged styles of their origins. This decision transcends at least two generations, and the architectonic interests of the forefather became the formal grounds of the unbelievable professional career of his son, who has exactly the same name and who will be the first and only Spanish architect in China in the 20th century. His unknown career in China is founded on his youth time in Spanish Manila. Likewise, his professional origins date back to the American Manila fostered by the success of his father who arrived to the islands as forest engineer and ends up as interim city architect two years before the loss of the colony.
- PublicationArquitectura i llar. De la postguerra a l'actualitat(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Bujella Bueno, Clara[EN] The work is structured from individual experience and each part corresponds to a stage in the life of the two protagonists, Francisco and Maria. The center will be them and their home, how this has evolved while circumstances changed and with what mechanisms have been adapting it to their needs. At the same time, his subjective account is contextualized and complemented with objective information and data extracted from the relevant research that, together, reconstruct a part of the history of Barcelona and its metropolitan area.
- PublicationArquitectura i societat a través de l’expansió de Barcelona(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Casariego, Pedro; Boixader, Jordi; Sarrablo, Vicenç; Pons, Josep María[EN] This paper reflects on the complex relationships that are established between architecture and society. For this purpose, four situations that take place in the city of Barcelona between the beginning of the 19th century and the 60s of the 20th century are exemplified. The document aims to have a holistic vision and to provide a general perspective of the problems of relatioships of society with architecture. The aforementioned period is ideal because it chronologically links four interrelated situations. Events take place during the Barcelona’s expansion and affect the same society. The document shows a historical review that fixes its interest in social relationhips, with architecture as a point of interest.
- PublicationAvaluació in situ de l’impacte del sistema de calefacció, ventilació i aire condicionat en les façanes d’un edifici religiós declarat Patrimoni de la Humanitat per la UNESCO(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Williamson, Kelsey; Martinez-Molina, Antonio; Dupont, William[EN] The maintenance of historic buildings’ optimal indoor environments for structural integrity and collections’ preservation, are inherently complex, multifaceted goals. Moreover, indoor environments do not only affect collections and building—the occupants’ satisfaction must also be considered. This research evaluates the impact of thermal and humidity problems caused by a HVAC condensing unit on a 265-year-old wall in a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the hot and humid climate of San Antonio, Texas (USA). A field investigation of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) particularly focused on the HVAC impact on a wall nearby was carried out. The case study is a unique historic settlement that includes a limestone church which reflects a similar typology to multiple religious buildings distributed across the southwestern USA. Findings of these investigations show that: i)the relocation of the HVAC condensing unit had a dramatic impact on reducing the outdoor wall temperatures and reducing the size of the interior wall moisture area; ii) the porosity of the limestone and large difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures are mainly responsible for the wall deterioration. Finally, outcomes of this article underline the negative impact of a poor intergration of active systems in historic structures, and highlights the necessity for more investigation in this topic.
- PublicationLa barraca valenciana. Història i recuperació d’una arquitectura resilient(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Rosaleny Gamón, Marcel·lí; Dpto. de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura[EN] The Valencian barracks constitute one of the living examples of vernacular Mediterranean architecture. Throughout history, they have been a part of the social reality in the Valencian Community as a reflection of its inhabitants, their professions and their way of understanding and exploiting the land. Although this architecture reached its maximum expansion in the 19th century, the barrack started to be replaced during the 20th century due to many social and economic changes. Currently, only a few examples are still preserved, a disappearance explained mainly due to the loss of use. Nevertheless, the resilient capacity of the vernacular architecture could turn into a fundamental tool in the recovery, providing new uses to the barracks that could assure the survival of this architectural heritage that preserves a large part of the popular constructive knowledge of Valencian people and that represents an example for the future of sustainable architecture which is a result of its surroundings and its existing resources.
- PublicationCabanyal. Any 0. Estratègies de futur(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Chust Silla, Alejandro[EN] Cabanyal has begun a new stage with the approval of the long-awaited Cabanyal-Canyamelar Special Plan (PEC) on May 24. This plan replaces the previous Special Plan for Reform and Internal Protection of Cabanyal-Canyamelar (PEPRI) with the objective of enacting a new urban planning regime focused on the regeneration and urban improvement of the entire area contained therein. The plan also establishes indicators that serve to better understand the urban structure of Cabanyal. However, the approval of this new plan must be understood as an opportunity to generate a new sustainable urban paradigm as well as a place for architectural experimentation. In the same way that popular modernist architecture was established as a reflection of the ways of life or customs of the inhabitants of Cabanyal, the new constructions that are being carried out in the maritime district must also be able to influence, channel and transmit the values or ways of living of a specific society or of a specific time for future generations. Therefore, the values assumed by this new architecture of the 21st century must be governed by standards of quality, habitability, or environmental sustainability.
- PublicationCap a la rehabilitació d' habitatges: demanda i necessitat social(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Fernández Mora, Victor; Navarro Martínez, Ignacio Javier; Yepes Piqueras, Víctor; Dpto. de Ingeniería de la Construcción y de Proyectos de Ingeniería Civil; Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos; Instituto Universitario de Investigación de Ciencia y Tecnología del Hormigón[EN] In 2008, a global economic crisis broke out that shook society s sciences and produced changes in its vision. In Spain, this crisis hit the real estate sector crudely, leaving thousands of empty homes. Today, there are still vestiges of this wound in society: an aging housing park and the difficulty of access to housing among other factors. This social context, coupled with the need to work to achieve a more sustainable way of living, justifies a social need that is becoming a reality. Rehabilitate housing instead of building new. A new challenge for architecture in response to society. A new challenge for which different solutions are being proposed.
- PublicationUn centre formatiu per a una nova societat : la consideració social en l'arquitectura de la Universitat Laboral de Xest(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Usó Martín, Fernando; Palomares Figueres, María Teresa; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Dpto. de Composición Arquitectónica; Getty Foundation[EN] Under the premise of transforming society through educational policy, the Franco regime implemented a socio-educational program for working-class youth starting in 1955. This program aimed to boost the national economy by providing better qualifications for the workforce to support the emerging industry. In this context, the Cheste Worker University was created between 1967 and 1969, accommodating more than 5,000 residents, all of whom were adolescents aged between 11 and 14, coming from all over Spain. Residency at the educational complex was in a boarding school regime, where daily activities were carried out simultaneously and in sync. Architect Fernando Moreno Barberá tackled the design of the educational complex with design principles that addressed social conditions anticipated by sociological studies, such as reduction of overcrowding, seeking empathy with the students to ensure their well-being and the smooth operation of the complex. This contribution explores the influence of the user in the sensitive design of Fernando Moreno Barberá at the Cheste Worker University in all its scales: the layout, architecture, interior and graphic design, and furniture, all of which always place the young students at the center of the design considerations.
- PublicationUna ciutat amb ombres(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-11-30) Barnada López, Jaume[CA] Les ciutats són els territoris privilegiats de concentració de la vida de població, qüestió que provoca fenòmens de massificació que sumats a l'emergència climàtica els fa espais insans. Cal millorar les condicions de vida replantejant el model de l'hàbitat urbà a través de l'ecologia i per tant es fan necessaris projectes innovadors que recuperin la tradició per afrontar els reptes d'una nova adaptació. Només així podrem afrontar un demà amb capacitat suficient per aportar solucions al territori i equilibrar els moviments de la població. En algunes propostes elementals com crear sistemes d'ombres urbanes trobarem una racionalitat i un confort que ens farà pensar que la regeneració a més de necessària és encara possible.
- PublicationLa ciutat com a jardí. Elements d' una utopia(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) de Marco, Paolo[EN] From ancient myths to religious metaphors, the history of civilisation tells of numerous gardens admirable for their physical characteristics and underlying symbolic values. These gardens are not mere recreational spaces, but places of human life in all its complexity, thus representing the ideal combination of city and vegetation, man and nature. In the 20th century, some research and projects have attempted to create alternatives to current cities based - in different ways - on the ancient ideal of the garden.With the advent of urbanization of the world population, recent urban policies demonstrate possible strategies to change the destiny of the city by introducing nature into public space. Furthermore, from the study of some contemporary experiences it is possible to recognise traces of an innovative organic approach to design, the possibility of spatial coherence and the architecture-nature interdependence necessary for the construction of an effective ecosystem. A new architectural-urban paradigm, a holistic and interscalar vision that, finally, faces a truly sustainable horizon.
- PublicationCiutats (més) menudes abandonades euromediterrànies. Una perspectiva de paisatge/urbanisme ecològic per a la regeneració sostenible a l'interior de Basilicata(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-11-30) Raffa, Alessandro; European Commission; Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca[EN] Inside a Mediterranean scenario of population asymmetries, this paper talks about and ongoing research that aims to highlight issues, identify a working method and tools able to support sustainable regenerative design strategies for abandoned historical small(er) towns and their landscapes, especially in inlands contexts. With these objectives, the research chooses Basilicata region, in the South of Italy, as emblematic for its structural marginality- morphological, infrastructural, social and economic -, bio-cultural diverse and diffused heritage and its seemingly unreversible depopulation process. Aging, low birth rates and high level of emigration has produced the abandonment of small(er) towns, of rural areas and, by the contrary, an increasing wilderness, changing the millennial settlement structure and impacting on socio-ecological resilience. Inside the theoretical framework of landscape/ecological urbanism and related design- oriented experimentations, the constellation of abandoned small(er) towns are interpreted as urban densities of a performative bio-cultural green infrastructure that could support, through design, the contemporary challenge of sustainable development, with a relational and glocal approach. Small(er) towns regeneration is view inside a more complex, interdisciplinary and holistic frame in which inter-scalarity, flux, dynamic and time variability are crucial. Performative bio-cultural green infrastructure, through the multiplication of public space, could support sustainable processes, in an ecological, economic and social sense. From an applicational point of view, the research intends to build a dynamic atlas for the regeneration of abandoned small(er) towns; the atlas is conceived both as a reading and a design tool able to support polyphonic and open process of sustainable regeneration.
- PublicationCom podem contribuir a resoldre el trencaclosques de la sostenibilitat amb arquitectura bioclimàtica?(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Albelda-Estellés Ness, Maria Coral; Norwegian University of Science and Technology[EN] Bioclimatic architecture enables a symbiotic relationship between people, nature and our built environment. By focusing on the integration of freely available natural forces and materials, it promotes energy and resource efficiency, in addition to comfort. We need to make our buildings more independent from active systems, to become more sustainable. Also, we need to consider their thermal safety in case of extreme climatic events or power outages. At last, we should not only aim for thermal comfort, but thermal delight, allowing for a more varied thermal landscaping in our buildings, to allow us to engage with our environment and awaken our senses.
- PublicationLa cota zero com a lloc d' intercanvi comunitari(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) García-Asenjo Llana, David[EN] The city model inherited from the urban developments of the 1990s and 2000s created an urban space in which the public and the community have given rise to the individual and the private. The low density of the expansions, changes in buying habits and the digitalization of personal and business relationships have caused a progressive abandonment of space on the ground floor of residential buildings, with the consequence of the loss of places of relationship in the zero level of the city. Faced with interventions that propose a speculative occupation of these premises, converting them into tourist homes or small apartments, alternative proposals are possible that seek to expand the common space and integrate these premises into a collaborative network that recovers their collective use. In a society in which the common use of public spaces is increasingly distant, in which the community is dismantled at the service of the individual, it is interesting to recover community spaces to weave new care networks.
- PublicationDespoblament, massificació a les regions creixents, decreixents o en transformació(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022-11-30) Llop Torné, Carles[EN] Depopulation and overcrowding are two opposing but complementary realities that speak of territorial imbalances. To address this issue, the article starts with an approach to the problem of global population growth and a reflection on its impact on the territory. Population distribution is unequal for many reasons, and the paper looks at its logic to unravel its consequences and assess the rural-urban duality and the concepts of concentration and dispersion. The new onslaughts of technological advances and global economic dynamics are often stimuli that lead to territorial dysfunctions, further accentuated by socio-environmental crises. A critical look at these problems allows us to make some reflections and suggestions that may have an impact on certain specific aspects in order to propose possible strategies oriented towards new territorialities. Undoubtedly, a look from the concept of territorial mosaic city allows the implementation of new articulated structures that can lead to a much more interconnected and resilient scenario to channel such imbalances.
- PublicationEl destí del patrimoni del segle XX. Investigació i accions(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021-11-30) Franco, Giovanna; Musso, Stefano Francesco[EN] 20th Century Architecture is an Heritage at risk, mostly caused by abandonment, degradation, underestimation. Nevertheless, the increase of interest and expansion of Heritage leads us to question the values that even the most recent architecture acquires, and therefore, its eventual need of protection. There is a need of a process of understanding and of selection, based on criteria shared by the largest community. This was the main goal of national and international reserches here presented concerning the architectural production of the 20th Century. The observation of single constructions and urban complexes, that are very close to us in time, leads to reflect on their meanings and values highlighting the essential problem of placing them in history. The more the heritage is the result of recent episodes, the more we perceive it as inserted in a processing dimension, of simultaneity of events and actions – almost like the news - which tend to legitimize any form of change, in a perspective linked to its contemporary condition. Research has let the richness of this inheritance emerge, in significance and value, focusing the attention from the simple materiality of the buildings to the possible modes and forms of their more total and mature interpretation.
- PublicationDisseny de la resiliència climàtica urbana amb solucions basades en la natura i infraestructures verdes. Reptes, problemes i bones pràctiques per a la regeneració a escala de barri(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Raffa, Alessandro; Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca; European Commission[EN] Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to urban environments, mostly affecting already vulnerable communities and ecosystems. While Climate Action (13th Sustainable Development Goal) still tends to focus on economic shifts and technological fixes, urban design and planning can play a crucial role in climate adaptation processes, enhancing socio-ecological resilience, while improving inclusivity, livability, wellbeing for all, opening to sustainable development scenarios. By focusing on nature-based solutions (NBS) and green infrastructure (GI), the contribution, which is part of an ongoing research, aims at identifying issues, challenges, and best practices to operationalize climate resilient adaptation through urban nature design and planning process and actions for neighborhood scale s regeneration. Through a qualitative methodology, three neighborhood case studies, recognized as best practices, will be compared in order to understand, issue and procedures related to the implementation of climate NBS and GI inside urban regeneration design and planning process.eworks towards equitable and livable urban futures.
- PublicationEditorial. Contextos Històrics(2021-11-30) Cabrera Fausto, Ivan; Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto Jesús; Franquesa Sánchez, Jordi; Piqueras Blasco, Maria; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Dpto. de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras[EN] The adequate preservation of all what is related to our history started resolutely in the 18th century, when movements such as the Age of the Enlightenment and figures such as the German historian and archeologist Johann Joachim Winckelmann consolidated the concept and structured its contents. Since then, knowledge on our past has grown relentlessly, at the same time that the awareness and commitment to preserve it and to take care of the physical matters which have witnessed events or are good evidences of them. Nowadays this adequate preservation has an utmost importance.
- PublicationEditorial. Despoblament i massificació(2022-11-30) Franquesa Sánchez, Jordi; Cabrera Fausto, Ivan; Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto Jesús; Piqueras Blasco, Maria; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Dpto. de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras[EN] Our society is based on mobility, and its impulsive dynamics have important impacts on the territory that stress it and often alter its balances, and unfortunately sometimes irreversibly. These tensions have two relevant facets: population densities and temporality. The combination of these two factors paint a picture of territorial scenarios that are sometimes suggestive, but most often worrying, and which condition two phenomena that concern us in this monography: depopulation and overcrowding.
- PublicationEditorial. Hàbitat i objectius de desenvolupament sostenible(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023-11-29) Fenollosa Forner, Ernesto Jesús; Cabrera Fausto, Ivan; Franquesa Sánchez, Jordi; Piqueras Blasco, Maria; Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura; Dpto. de Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras
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