Benlloch Aparisi, Vicente
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Desarrollo y evaluación de la competencia trabajo en equipo en el grado en Gestión Turística (Primera Fase)
2015-07-10, Val Noguera, Elena del, Palomares Chust, Alberto Adrián, Alberola Oltra, Juan Miguel, Teruel Serrano, María Dolores, Fernández Méndez, Mª Manuela, Morant González, Maryland, Benlloch Aparisi, Vicente, Dpto. de Organización de Empresas, Dpto. de Sistemas Informáticos y Computación, Dpto. de Economía y Ciencias Sociales, Dpto. de Ingeniería Cartográfica Geodesia y Fotogrametría, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gandia, Instituto de Investigación para la Gestión Integrada de Zonas Costeras, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática, Grupo de Cartografía, Geodesia y GPS, Instituto Universitario Valenciano de Investigación en Inteligencia Artificial, Centro de Investigación en Arquitectura, Patrimonio y Gestion para el desarrollo Sostenible
[EN] The main purpose of this project is to design, evaluate and implement a methodology that allows us to properly develop the competence of Teamwork in the Degree of Tourism Management (GGT) taught at the Gandia Campus of the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia (UPV). In the preliminary phase of the project, which is presented in this paper, we describe the initial experiences developed during 2013-2014 by some teachers who teach in the GGT. In this project, we have collaborated with researchers from the GTI-IA1 group of the UPV that have developed a tool for automatic group formation based on the Belbin’s Roles Taxonomy. The methodology that we are developing takes as starting point data from the Belbin profiles of students, obtained through surveys conducted by students at the end of a given task in a particular subject. This information is used to establish new work teams to address a new task in the same or in other subjects. The methodology is evaluated through surveys in which students express their satisfaction with respect to the performance of the team after every task. The initial results show that the line we are following seems to be suitable for the development of the teamwork competence. We are currently working on more advanced stages within the framework of a project of the UPV PIME, in order to improve and complete the implementation of this methodology.