Jara Calabuig, Aaron
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Construir entre líneas. El espacio arquitectónico en la obra teatral de Federico García Lorca
2021-01-12, Jara Calabuig, Aaron, Bonet Solves, Victoria Eugenia, Nieto Edo, Francisco José, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Dpto. de Composición Arquitectónica
[EN] Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) was one of the most important writers of Spanish literature of the 20th century. In addition to poetry, he wrote several theatre plays, often with educational aims. His particular viewpoint, influenced by rural and urban experiences, inspired scenographic designs with high aesthetic and compositional value. Thanks to the collaboration of artists such as José Caballero, Manuel Fontanals, Siegfried Burmann or Santiago Ontañón, Lorca's productions avoided traditional designs and opted for more sophisticated works. From La Barraca performances to commercial successes, his scenography was always characterized by being subtle and innovative. This research work analyzes the original projects of Bodas de sangre (1933) and Yerma (1934), as well as other stagings after author's death. Through the compilation of documentary material and the elaboration of plans and technical models, a complete vision of each proposal is offered, taking into account the design criteria and the construction processes. In summary, the study confirms how, through architecture and the visual arts, the scenography was able to materialize each of the spaces collected in Lorca¿s plays.
Manuel: habitatge cooperatiu. Una experiència col·lectiva al voltant de les noves maneres d' habitar
2023-11-29, Jara Calabuig, Aaron, Villasante Claramonte, Juan
[EN] The housing cooperative in cession of use is an alternative model that aims to guarantee the right to a decent and affordable home, combat real estate speculation and promote coexistence and participatory management of real estate. It also defends the need to implement sustainable consumption criteria and lifestyles, meeting some of the objectives and strategies for sustainable development (ODS), defined by the United Nations. Following these premises, the creation of a hypothetical cooperative in the municipality of Manuel (La Ribera Alta, Valencia) is proposed within the framework of the Final Degree Projects of a group of students on the Master s Degree in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. The academic projects incorporate the needs of the population in their programme and seek to improve their daily lives. To this end, contact has been maintained with the Town Council of Manuel during the development of the projects and a public exhibition of the results has been organised in the town, undertaking a task of dissemination aimed at its inhabitants and those of the rest of the region.
Urban stages: when cities and architecture become a theatre
2023-05-22, Jara Calabuig, Aaron
[EN] Throughout history, the theatre has played a decisive part in urban space configuration, not only because of the location of theatre buildings within the city. Outdoor performances in squares, streets and community facilities have also assumed an essential role in the organisation of public space. In this sense, touring theatre must be understood as a resource for transforming and revitalising cities. Festivals such as Avignon, Bilbao and Tàrrega are clear examples of how theatre can appropriate the urban or architectural context and generate new atmospheres. The study of these three cases aims to show how performing practice finds or makes its place in the city, adapting itself to existing urban structures and enhancing their value. In addition, the purpose is also to analyse some buildings and public places that have been designed with an evident scenographic vocation. From Piazza di Sant’Ignazio (Rome) to Can Sau (Olot, Girona), several constructions are conceived as street stages, where everyday life becomes a live performance.
The original set designs for Bodas de sangre and Yerma: written and built spaces
2023-10-31, Jara Calabuig, Aaron
[EN] Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) was one of the most influential writers of Spanish literature of the 20th century. His particular point of view, influenced by rural and urban experiences, inspired set designs with high aesthetic and compositional value. This research analyzes the original stagings of Bodas de sangre in the Teatro Beatriz (Madrid, 1933) and Yerma in the Teatro Español (Madrid, 1934). Compiling documentary material and preparing plans and technical models offer a complete view of each proposal, considering the design criteria and construction processes of those designs for which information is available today. Studying the set designers responsible for each project is also relevant. Manuel Fontanals, Santiago Ontañón, and Siegfried Burmann were leading figures in Spanish and foreign theatrical plastic art during the Second Spanish Republic and the following years. In summary, the study shows how the designs for each scenic space were created, analyzing both their compositional and technical details and the transformation process from the written space to the built one. After all, set design is a discipline belonging to ephemeral architecture, which aims to generate atmospheres and structures with a short useful life but with aesthetic, functional, and stability requirements.
Ca Llavor. Proyecto de cooperativa de vivienda en cesión de uso en Manuel.
2022-04-12, Jara Calabuig, Aaron, Meri de la Maza, Ricardo Manuel, Blasco García, Vicente, Dpto. de Proyectos Arquitectónicos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Grupo de Proyecto Arquitectura
[ES] La crisi de l habitatge és un dels grans problemes del nostre temps. El fenomen de les cases sense gent i la gent sense casa és comú a pobles i ciutats, on l accés a la vivenda és cada cop més complicat. Davant la situació actual, cal explorar noves fórmules que garantisquen el dret a una llar digna i contemplen les diferents maneres d habitar. En aquest sentit, el cohabitatge representa un model innovador i assequible que aposta per la diversitat, la integració i la participació dels seus habitants. El projecte per a Ca Llavor planteja una cooperativa d habitatge capaç de reactivar el municipi de Manuel. Es tracta de generar una comunitat dins d una altra, de manera que el nou conjunt es relacione activament amb els veïns del poble. Per això, cal entendre la proposta com una peça que li donarà vida a la localitat, pal·liant el despoblament i creant noves oportunitats pel que fa als serveis i a la qualitat de la vivenda i l espai públic. El disseny arquitectònic ha de resoldre qüestions com la implantació en l entorn, la sostenibilitat ambiental i l eficiència energètica dels edificis. Així mateix, atés el caràcter social del projecte, la cooperativa es presenta com una agrupació d unitats domèstiques i instal·lacions col·lectives compromeses amb les necessitats del futur veïnat.